

Treis Asia Private Limited is a company registered in Singapore with company number 201329677K and with registered office at 4 Shenton Way #04-03 SGX Centre II 068807 Singapore.

In the UK, Treïs Partners Advisory Limited (“Treïs”) is an Appointed Representative of Robert Quinn Advisory LLP, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Treïs is a company registered in England & Wales with company number 10154299 and with registered office at First Floor South, 101 New Cavendish Street, W1W 6XH, London from 1st January 2024.

The investment products and services of Treïs are only available to professional clients and eligible counterparties. They are not available to retail clients. The content of this website does not constitute an offer to buy or sell shares in any of the products offered by Treïs.